Preparation Guide for University LSI Design Contest
Key Dates:
- Deadline for abstract submission: 5 PM AOE (Anywhere on earth) July 21 (Wed), 2021
- Deadline for summary uploading: 5 PM AOE (Anywhere on earth) July 28 (Wed), 2021
- Notification of acceptance: Sep. 13 (Mon), 2021
- Deadline for final version: 5 PM AOE (Anywhere on earth) Nov. 5 (Fri), 2021
In order to submit your paper, please follow the instructions below.
1) Paper preparation
- Initial manuscripts may include authors' names and their affiliations. Authors' names, their affiliations and the contact person are requested when you submit your paper on the the web page for paper submission.
- The paper should be 2 pages in length including all figures, tables and references. The technical expositions will be reviewed by specialists but should include an introduction for nonspecialists that describes the problem and achieved results, focusing on the important ideas and their significance.
- Accepted file format is PDF only. No other formats will be accepted. You must make a pdf file which can be read by Acrobat Reader 5.0. Manuscripts should not include special fonts such as Asian fonts.
- The paper for initial submission is to be formatted like this (LaTex, LaTex2e). You can get the templates of initial submission for (LaTex), (LaTex2e), and (MSWord).
It is mandatory that at least one co-author per accepted paper
registers the conference at the speaker's registration/full-time-student registration rate.
Please note that each paper shall be accompanied by at least one different full conference registration at the speaker/full-time-student rate (i.e., two speaker's registrations are needed for two accepted papers, e.g. from the main author or a co-author of a paper).
For more information, please contact: aspdac2022.udc [at]